The STOLECT project concerns the massive storage of electricity. The process is based on a thermodynamic cycle that stores electrical energy in the form of sensible heat in refractory materials carried at high temperature, which then restores it when a need for electrical production appears. STOLECT will design, manufacture and test a low power turbomachine in process configurations. With this preliminary prototype, the concept will be experimentally validated, gradually opening the way to industrial development perspectives.
Création d'entreprise : 1
Suivi de projet - Pendant le projet : 4
Suivi de projet - Fin du projet : 4
Nouveau projet : 8
Emplois crées : 4
Produit / Prototype : 4
Rapport final : 4
Création d'entreprise : 3
No member partner
Start of the project on17 / 02 / 2025 | End of project on17 / 02 / 2025
Strategic business lines
Bâtiments et territoires intelligents
Smart grids
Smart grids
Referent of the project
07 86 53 38 70
Centre-Val de Loire
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