
The storage of Hydrogen for a mass market use raises particular concern about fire and explosion risks. The EXHYNUMO project studies the consequence of the hydrogen/air cloud associated with different kind and density of obstacles, on the propagation rate of an explosion when a Hydrogen tank is damaged during an accident.

Project benefits

Nouveau projet : 4

Thèse : 4

Publication scientifique : 44

Emplois crées : 4

Procédé : 4

Emplois maintenus : 4

Rapport final : 4

People involved in the project

Project leader

Member partner

No member partner


Information of the project

Start of the project on27 / 07 / 2024 | End of project on27 / 07 / 2024

Strategic business lines

Smart grids

Smart grids

Referent of the project

Chargé de projets innovants

07 86 53 38 74


Centre-Val de Loire

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