In progress

SRD and its partners have decided to respond to the call for projects from the Nouvelle Aquitaine region in order to set up the ODRI project which will make it possible to study and test the various system services to resolve voltage constraints while trying to increase penetration. renewable energy into the grid at the lowest cost. The ODRI project will make it possible to validate and set up other business models for the connection of producers and storage means on the distribution network, a necessary transition in a context of revival of the green economy with a need that is likely to increase even more rapidly in the years to come and that the public distribution network operator will have to absorb as soon as possible and at optimal costs for both producers and the community.

Project benefits

Emplois crées : 1

Suivi de projet - Pendant le projet : 2

Produit / Prototype : 2

Emplois crées : 5

People involved in the project

Project leader

No member partner


Information of the project

Start of the project on16 / 02 / 2025

Strategic business lines

Smart grids

Smart grids

Referent of the project

Chargée de projets innovants

07 65 17 79 31



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