It supports start-ups, Smes/midcaps, large groups, research/training structures and supports the development and growth of their activities through innovation. Its network allows to meet many partners offering real development opportunities.

01. Our strategic areas of activity

Our various Strategic Business Units

Our expertise covers four Strategic Business Units, at the heart of energy management.

réseaux électriques intelligents

Smart grids
Integration of low-carbon energy and storage for territories

  • Production and conversion of renewable energies (photovoltaic, wind, marine, geothermal)
  • Detection, automation and control of production (including the nuclear sector)
  • Storage solutions for intermittent energy
  • Micro-grids, RE and grid connection
  • Operation and supervision of energy flows

Smart buildings and territories

  • Sensors and communicating equipment
  • Operation and supervision using digital technologies
  • Optimization of data interoperability
  • Individual or collective self-consumption
  • Improving the quality of life and well-being in the residential sector
systèmes électriques pour la mobilité

Electrical systems for mobility
Active mobility, automotive, aeronautics, rail, maritime

  • Propulsion, conversion and energy recovery systems
  • Electrochemical storage
  • Hydrogen chain and storage solutions
  • Recycling of cells and batteries
  • Intelligent supervision of on-board connected systems
  • Mutualization of transport means
matériaux et composants

Electronics : materials, components and subsystems
Serving multiple sectors (energy, building, mobility, medical, industry, etc.)

  • Innovative materials for micro and nano electronics
  • Energy recovery/conversion and storage
  • Power electronics
  • Sensors for various applications
  • Energy efficiency of electronic components, connectors and subsystems
  • Energy conversion and communication
  • Industrial processes for electronics
02. The team

An operational team

The cluster team supports you in your innovation process with the permanent desire to respond to your requests in a personalized manner.

  • Guillaume ANDRES

    Project Manager

      +33 6 43 65 78 56

  • Aurélie BEAUDET

    Communication Manager

      + 33 2 47 42 49 82

  • Frédéric Cabas

    Event Supervisor

      +33 2 47 42 49 83 / +33 7 86 53 38 70

  • Aline CHABOT

    Project Manager

      +33 7 44 75 64 67

  • Alexandre CHARI

    European Project Manager

      +33 6 10 33 89 48

  • Sébastien DESPLOBAIN

    Project Manager

      +33 7 86 53 38 74

  • Etienne DUBOISSET

    Project Manager

      +33 7 65 17 79 31

  • Dorothée FOX

    Administrative and Financial Manager

      +33 2 47 42 41 21

  • Philippe FRANÇOIS

    Project Manager

      06 66 39 55 43

  • Annick JULIA


      +33 2 47 42 42 95

  • Daniel MELEY

    Project Manager

      07 86 53 38 70

  • Stéphane OURY

    Project Manager

      +33 6 80 33 73 61

  • Mathilde PÉAN

    Event assistant

      +33 2 47 42 41 21

  • Cassandra TOGNA

    European Project Manager

      +33 7 59 58 92 73

03. The results of the pole

S2E2 in figures

September 2024 figures

  • 257 Members
  • €1,4 bn invested in R&D
  • 369 Projects funded
  • 270 Patents
  • 169 Theses defended
  • 18 European projects funded
  • 9 Institutions
  • 1971 Scientific publications
  • 300 Products/prototypes
  • 795 Jobs created
04. Presence in france

Our offices



    Rue du Luxembourg 14A
    1000 BRUXELLES

    06 10 33 89 48



    123 boulevard Louis Blanc
    85000 LA ROCHE-SUR-YON

    06 80 33 73 61



    4 Rue Isaac Newton
    33700 MERIGNAC

    07 65 17 79 31


    PÔLE DE COMPETITIVITE S2E2 c/o Atlanpole

    Château de la Chantrerie
    95, route de Gachet
    44307 NANTES

    02 40 30 89 00


    PÔLE DE COMPETITIVITE S2E2 c/o ST Microelectronics

    10 Rue Thalès de Milet
    CS 97 155
    37 071 TOURS - CEDEX 2

    02 47 42 41 21

05. The organization of the pole

Our governance

4 colleges make up our cluster

  • Representatives of research institutions and training bodies
  • Representatives of the companies
  • Representatives of local authorities, public institutions or other bodies who participate annually in the financing of the operation of the cluster association and who have a vote in the General Assembly
  • Representatives of support structures (technopoles, economic development agencies and organizations, technology clusters, clusters, business groups, etc.)

The general assembly

The General Assembly is made up of all the associate members of the association, divided among the four colleges. Its role includes electing the members of the Board of Directors, deliberating on the budgetary guidelines, the provisional budget and the year ended on the activities of the association and its strategic orientations.

The governing council

It is composed of 22 members elected for 3 years, resulting as follows:

College 1: 9 directors representing research institutions and training organizations, including:
6 representatives of the Centre-Val de Loire region
2 representatives of the Pays de la Loire region
1 representative of the Nouvelle Aquitaine region

College 2: 12 company representatives, including:
9 representatives of the Centre-Val de Loire region
2 representatives of the Pays de la Loire region
1 representative of the Nouvelle Aquitaine region

1 representative of the MEDEE research cluster

The Board of Directors defines and validates the overall strategy of the division and participates actively in the management of the association.

Science council

The Scientific Council is composed of 21 members appointed by the Board of Directors and may be joined by nationally recognized experts in the technological fields of the cluster.

The Scientific Council is responsible for:

  • Define and validate priority scientific, technological and industrial topics and corresponding technology roadmaps;
  • Analyse the projects and guide the promoters


2024 Scientific Council Meeting Dates :

  • Tuesday 9 October
  • Wednesday 13 November
  • Wednesday 11 December


  • Our governance

  • The general assembly

  • The governing council

  • Science council