
The main idea of this project is to study the potential of clean energy recovery by the activation of thin piezoelectric thin layers (a few micrometers thick) by a simple stream of air. The aim is therefore to design microgenerators of electric currents in the form of flexible films that are sensitive to the slightest air flow and easily disseminated. These micro-generators will have a low manufacturing cost and can be installed on various sites such as in aeration ducts, in moving vehicles or on any outdoor structure exposed to the wind.

Project benefits

Action de communication : 1

Rapport final : 3

Brevet : 6

Suivi de projet - Pendant le projet : 3

Action de communication : 5

Suivi de projet - Fin du projet : 3

Suivi de projet - Début de projet : 6

Thèse : 3

Publication scientifique : 48

People involved in the project

Project leader

Member partner

No member partner


Information of the project

Start of the project on16 / 02 / 2025 | End of project on16 / 02 / 2025

Strategic business lines

Smart grids

Électronique : matériaux, composants et sous-systèmes

Smart grids

Referent of the project

Stéphane OURY
Chargé de projets

06 80 33 73 61


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