The increasing use of autonomous electronic devices implies a growing need for electrical energy to which the vibratory energy recuperators can respond by electromechanical conversion. The ePARADISE project proposes to bring to maturity two types of aerodynamic sensors for producing wind turbines with the aim of using them to increase the service life and reduce the noise emission of wind turbines, while maintaining the production of wind turbines. energy. The aerodynamic sensors, the ePenon and the wireless transmission pressure sensors, are chosen simple and robust for onshore and offshore wind turbines. The ability of these sensors to detect flow conditions on the aerodynamic surface will be evaluated in the wind tunnel under severe conditions of the upstream atmosphere reproduced through vein disturbances. These sensors will then be tested on a real scale on a production site, the Saint Hilaire de Chaléons site on a wind turbine operated by VALEMO. The field tests aim to extract the average and turbulent characteristics of the atmosphere to be reproduced in the wind tunnel and to extract a correlation between the states of the flow on the aerodynamic surface and their impacts on the durability (aerodynamic loads) and the noise production. of the wind turbine. Also, the ePARADISE project aims to improve the understanding of the impact of the atmosphere on the aerodynamics of the blades. In the absence of blade manufacturers partners (contacts have been made with GE-LM but for the moment without success), the sensors will be used as ADD-ON systems (added later) on the blades. It should be noted that the wind turbine that will be studied during the ePARADE project is already subject to structural monitoring. Its foundations and its mast are instrumented by the civil engineers of GIS LIRGEC. Thus, complementary measurements of the atmosphere (average profile, direction and intensity of the wind, thermal stability, turbulence rate, integral scales, etc.) will be performed in correlation with the structural measurements and the data from the new sensors. aerodynamic on the blades. With the wind turbine operating information (SCADA data), a complete database will then be available.
Suivi de projet - Pendant le projet : 1
Action de communication : 8
Emplois crées : 4
Publication scientifique : 8
Suivi de projet - Pendant le projet : 3
Project leader
No member partner
Start of the project on16 / 02 / 2025
Strategic business lines
Smart grids
Smart grids
Électronique : matériaux, composants et sous-systèmes
Referent of the project
06 80 33 73 61
Pays de la loire
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