
The objective of the project is to establish a method of sizing the cycle of a complete energy conversion chain associating the generator (preferably wind model) with its power converter, with or without a speed multiplier and incorporating the all of these constraints and by using true dimensioning models that accurately describe the behavior of physical quantities, where existing studies are limited to power flows only by taking into account conversion efficiencies that are considered constant. The current optimization tools associated with the usual sizing models would lead to prohibitive computation times if all the operating points were considered. It is therefore necessary to reduce the problem to the most significant operating points in terms of energy consumption and / or in terms of constraints. The characteristic time information of the cycle is thus lost, which does not allow in particular to control the thermal cycle of the machine as well as its optimal control. The proposed methodology is innovative in the optimization of temporal quantities of supply analytically so that the stochastic optimization algorithm optimizes second only the geometrical dimensions of the machine independent of time. This optimization in two stages thus allows a reduced calculation time while providing the optimal control and controlling the thermal transient. The results obtained will show significant gains in yield and mass.

Project benefits

Emplois maintenus : 1

Suivi de projet - Fin du projet : 3

Publication scientifique : 9

Rapport final : 3

Emplois crées : 3

Emplois maintenus : 2

People involved in the project

Project leader

Member partner

No member partner


Information of the project

Start of the project on25 / 01 / 2025 | End of project on25 / 01 / 2025

Strategic business lines

Smart grids

Smart grids

Referent of the project

Stéphane OURY
Chargé de projets

06 80 33 73 61


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