In progress

The Nantes-Saint-Nazaire Port Authority (GPMNSN) and the agglomeration community of the Nazaire region and the estuary (CARENE) launched an Industrial Territorial Ecology (EIT) initiative in 2014 to identify materials and energies present on the Zone Industrialo Portuaire (ZIP) of Saint-Nazaire, Montoir de Bretagne, Donges. The design office Akajoule was the chosen service provider for these three years to carry out the initial diagnosis and animate the EIT process. Three areas of work have been identified in priority on the energy side: - Around the heat, with the potential deployment of an industrial and urban heat network - Around gas and mobility (CNG, hydrogen), - Around the world electricity, with the potential deployment of a smartgrid.As part of the OPTIMISM project (APRED 2016), a territorial energy flow management platform has been developed to identify projects around these three themes and promote the implementation of territorial energy synergy. If the topic of heat has largely been treated in this way via OPTIMISM since the project contributed to the launch of a feasibility study of industrial-urban heat network by highlighting the potential of the territory, it is not yet the case on the electrical theme. Nevertheless, the implementation of a smartgrid port is a strong will of the GPMNSN. In addition, the EIT approach has identified a significant source of fatal electricity produced by engine tests (4 test benches in total, up to 8GWh / year cumulated for the 2 most powerful banks). MAN Energy Solutions (MAN ES). In order to reveal this largely untapped potential, it is necessary to make available to territorial actors and proactive industrialists, on the one hand, means of simulation and analysis of techno-economic solutions for smart grids and secondly proposals for adapted governance. These tools must model the innovations of the sector (storage, photovoltaics, self-consumption, etc.) to guide the choice of technology and encourage the implementation of viable demonstrators. This proposal for a research project therefore has as its main objective to propose a set of modeling and simulation tools, to determine optimal energy solutions and scenarios for the development of industrial and especially port smartgrids. These tools will be applied to the case of the fatal electricity of MAN ES in order to propose a relevant technical solution for the industrial and the Port with a view to a possible demonstrator that can be put in place later (out of scope of this project ). Bringing together partners in fields of complementary expertise (energy, industrial ecology, economic development, spatial planning, data management), it is a continuation of previous or ongoing work and is organized around three main tasks. : 1) The analysis of an industrial site producing fatal energy, 2) The evaluation of the development potential of a port industrial smartgrid and the analysis of associated governance, 3) The development of modeling and simulation tools , to determine optimal energy solutions and scenarios for the implementation of a smartgrid.If the results of the project on governance structures and simulation tools developed are intended to be transposable to other port territories, the proposed project takes the form of action-oriented research. The work is carried out in parallel and in direct connection with the ongoing EIT approach in the industrial-port area of Saint-Nazaire and is based on MAN ES's desire to exploit its fatal energy (electricity and heat).

Project benefits

Publication scientifique : 15

Action de communication : 10

Emplois crées : 10

Rapport final : 5

Produit / Prototype : 5

People involved in the project

Project leader

Member partner

No member partner




Information of the project

Start of the project on04 / 12 / 2024

Strategic business lines

Smart grids

Smart grids

Referent of the project

Guillaume ANDRES
Chargé de projets innovants

06 43 65 78 56

Pays de la Loire

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