The project "TOURS 2015" is structured around 3 axes: - Power conversion for better energy efficiency - Nomadic integration to support the convergence of digital and multimedia - Micro-sources of energy allowing the emergence of new applications promoting sustainable development. The "TOURS 2015" program is the foundation for the emergence of new materials, processes, architectures and interconnections thanks to the various scientific and technical partnerships, allowing the development of new components that in turn spread through many applications fueling key social-economic needs.
Action de communication : 1
Rapport final : 10
Action de communication : 39
Produit / Prototype : 30
Brevet : 600
Publication scientifique : 700
Emplois crées : 560
Thèse : 270
Début du projet le 16 / 02 / 2025 | Fin du projet le 16 / 02 / 2025
Domaines d'activité stratégiques
Électronique : matériaux, composants et sous-systèmes
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