En cours

The objectives of the MUTATION project are to support the development of new cMUT medical probes combining therapy (ultrasonic power) with ultrasound imaging (dual-mode transducers), and to speed up the marketing of these new systems around the world. two flagship applications for which the project's industrial partners are the leaders: the treatment of localized prostate cancer under the endocavitary approach (endocavity probes) with the partner Edap-TMS and the treatment of interstitial brain tumors (interstitial probes) with the Carthéra partner. The proofs of concepts have already been realized by all the industrial partners in the framework of several ANR research projects, always in collaboration with LabTAU whose expertise in the field of therapeutic ultrasound is recognized worldwide. The industrial development of this new cMUT technology for therapy represents a new activity niche for the Vermon project leader, an industrial and marketing reinforcement for EDAP and Carthéra

Retombées du projet

Publication scientifique : 120

Produit / Prototype : 8

Action de communication : 12

Nouveau projet : 4

Rapport final : 4

Personnes engagées sur le projet
Informations sur le projet

Fin du projet le 23 / 10 / 2024

Domaines d'activité stratégiques

Électronique : matériaux, composants et sous-systèmes

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