This research project aims to investigate the reliability of porous silicon wafer fabrication processes under the academic responsibility of the GREMAN laboratory (ex LMP EA 3246), in partnership with LCS (37) and a future wafer manufacturing company. of porous silicon: SILIMIXT. Despite the functional interest of porous silicon, its industrial availability is not assured, because there is still no means of production on an industrial scale. The reason lies in the lack of information and assurance on the reproducibility of manufacturing processes, itself related to the lack of production equipment. The GREMAN via the CERTeM, anticipated this technological lock by acquiring a new research equipment for the study of the porosification of several plates in parallel. GREMAN is positioned as the first laboratory to work on the reliability of silicon porosification processes. The creation in the Center region of the SILIMIXT company will be the second originality of this research project. LCS will bring its expertise in equipment manufacturing.
Emplois crées : 1
Brevet : 8
Publication scientifique : 20
Emplois crées : 7
Nouveau projet : 4
Produit / Prototype : 12
Rapport final : 4
Début du projet le 18 / 01 / 2025 | Fin du projet le 18 / 01 / 2025
Domaines d'activité stratégiques
Électronique : matériaux, composants et sous-systèmes
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