The best performing multifunctional piezoelectric materials are lead-based (PZT, PMNPT) and therefore condemned by the RoHS European directive. The common characteristic of the phase diagrams of these materials in the plane (composition, temperature) is the presence of a morphotropic phase zone (MPZ), where two ferroelectric phases in competition coexist. The instability of the polarization that results exalts the electromechanical response. This phenomenon of exaltation in the vicinity of a MPA is general, and has recently been observed for ferromagnetic materials. Two new classes of unleaded materials, with piezoelectric coefficients equivalent to those of PZT, also associated with an MPA, have recently been reported: BFO-TFO and BTZ-BCT (see Objec-tifs). Moreover BFO is magnetic. The objective of this project is to optimize and study the electromechanical, dielectric and / or magnetoelectric properties of BZT-BCT and BFO-TFO compounds by ZPM engineering. Libraries of materials of continuously varying composition will be massively parallelized by combinatorial laser ablation. The mapping of the phase diagram using local high-throughput characterization techniques will make it possible to identify compounds close to a MPA. Fine characterizations of the selected compounds will allow a better understanding of the relationships between composition, structure and performance, and lead to multifunctional materials piezoelectric and / or magnetoelectric superior to the state of the art.

Retombées du projet

Suivi de projet - Fin du projet : 8

Emplois crées : 4

Thèse : 4

Publication scientifique : 36

Rapport final : 4

Personnes engagées sur le projet
Informations sur le projet

Fin du projet le 25 / 01 / 2025

Domaines d'activité stratégiques

Électronique : matériaux, composants et sous-systèmes

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