
The Stock-en-socle project aims at acquiring knowledge necessary for the periodic storage of sensible heat in basement aquifers characterized by their low permeability. While geothermal probes remain the only solutions proposed in a low permeability environment, Stock-en-socle examines the possibilities of storage by semi-open circulation of water in a well, type PACP or SCW (Standing Column Well), taking advantage of the strong heterogeneity of basement aquifers to target areas that are least favorable for water resources. To remove the main scientific barriers identified as being the minimum level of permeability required in the near well as well as its evolution over time (increase and decrease) by the water-rock interaction processes, Stock-in-basement has defined a Experimental work program and modeling to study thermal, hydraulic and geochemical processes. Tracing and circulation tests in single well, by hot water injection will be implemented in particular on 3 boreholes located in distinct geological contexts (granite, gneiss, shale ...). These tests will be supplemented by laboratory experiments. A hydro-thermal modeling phase will study the effects of permeability structures on the storage and recovery capacities of thermal energy, while the modeling of reactive transfers will make it possible to understand the evolution of permeability under effect of dissolution and precipitation reactions. On the basis of the results obtained, technical solutions will be studied to achieve a PACP-type structure in the context of low permeability. This work will be complemented by a techno-economic feasibility to propose a model of investments and operation. The set will lead to a study describing the adequacy of storage in PACP with a connection to a microphone. To achieve the stated objectives, Stock-en-Socle is built on a public / private partnership with two public research organizations: a University and an EPIC and two companies in the field of geothermal and soil technologies. Beyond the dissemination of results to the scientific community, Stock-en-socle will identify the possible consequences of the project, including the setting up of an industrial research project in Brittany.

Retombées du projet

Publication scientifique : 168

Action de communication : 28

Rapport final : 4

Brevet : 4

Emplois crées : 12

Personnes engagées sur le projet
Informations sur le projet

Début du projet le 13 / 09 / 2024 | Fin du projet le 13 / 09 / 2024

Domaines d'activité stratégiques

Bâtiments et territoires intelligents

Systèmes électriques pour les mobilités

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