The HEATec project is the result of an internal innovation challenge at STMicroelectronics, focusing on the development of innovative solutions for energy recovery. For example, the presence of unusual thermal gradients in our environment (fluid lines, heating facades, electronic equipment ...) is a source of energy that is currently underutilized. The use of systems for recovering this wasted heat opens new avenues for applications related either to the supply of autonomous systems when the amount of energy converted is low, or to the creation of systems generating current when the efficiency of conversion is great. In this context, new systems for recovering this thermal energy have been proposed, and thanks to collaborations established upstream of the project with certain partners, the relevance of these solutions has been demonstrated. The will of the project is to revolutionize the field and this along several axes: - develop energy recovery systems compatible with properties such as large area, flexibility, low cost and of course efficiency; - to realize systems compatible with the dimensioning and the power necessary for autonomous applications; - optimize recovery technology to consider power generation systems with improved efficiency compared to the state of the art. To achieve this, a unique consortium has been set up, bringing together public laboratories (CEA) and industrialists (Genes'Ink, Deltaconcept, ESI) offering state-of-the-art knowledge in the fields of materials, physical phenomena, technological integration and systems on different media (silicon and organic), integrated circuit design and heterogeneous solutions. The potential in terms of applications and use opens the door to many markets that can be grouped along two main axes: - autonomous energy systems to fulfill intelligent sensor functions capable of transmitting information; - the production of energy from thermal gradients present either on all electronic systems, or on a larger scale on large surfaces in our environment.
Suivi de projet - Pendant le projet : 1
Suivi de projet - Fin du projet : 8
Rapport final : 8
Emplois crées : 56
Brevet : 24
Publication scientifique : 120
Produit / Prototype : 8
Thèse : 24
Création d'entreprise : 8
Suivi de projet - Pendant le projet : 7
Fin du projet le 07 / 02 / 2025
Domaines d'activité stratégiques
Bâtiments et territoires intelligents
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