The evolution of surgery involves the use of a multitude of equipment that must be controlled by competent personnel during surgical procedures. However, hygiene and asepsis rules prohibit direct access to equipment for staff in sterile areas (surgeon, instrumentalists). The surgeon therefore asks intermediaries (circulating nurse, anesthetist, ...) present in the operating room to perform for him certain maneuvers. This raises concerns, competence, responsibility, responsiveness and efficiency. To facilitate the management of equipment and access to information (medical images), the companies equipping the operating rooms offer more and more comprehensive systems centralizing user interfaces. These interfaces are most often reserved for the use of personnel working outside the sterile area. Attempts to remedy this situation have not been conclusive until now, failing to take into account all the needs of surgeons in terms of ergonomics or integration into the operating room, despite the additional costs deemed too high. important to the service rendered. The proposed solutions are often described by users as "gadgets", finally abandoned. Recent advances in user interface developed for the general public (voice control, gesture, eye, ...), offer the prospect of a technological development with high potential for an attractive cost. The aim of the project is to analyze further the real potential of such technologies, adapted to the needs of surgeons operating.
Rapport final : 1
Produit / Prototype : 3
Publication scientifique : 9
Brevet : 3
Rapport final : 2
Début du projet le 07 / 02 / 2025 | Fin du projet le 07 / 02 / 2025
Domaines d'activité stratégiques
Bâtiments et territoires intelligents
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