Many countries, such as France, have committed to developing their renewable energy production infrastructure. The growing maturity of these infrastructures paves the way for new financing models, outside guaranteed purchase rates. At the same time, regulatory changes and the emergence of new markets (capacity, systems services) provide a favorable framework for the development of new flexibility solutions. It is in this context that Sun'R Holding, a producer of photovoltaic energy, initiated the SunHydrO project supported by its subsidiary SmE (Sun'R sMart Energy). This project aims to develop a new renewable energy aggregator that, by relying on flexible means, such as decentralized gravity storage, will directly valorize decentralized renewable energy in the electricity markets. To this end, SmE federated a consortium of 6 companies and laboratories, to design the necessary technological innovations: - METNEXT - CLIMPACT, SME - weather forecasts - QOS Energy, SME - management of decentralized RE units - CLEMESSY, subsidiary of EIFFAGE - design of electrical installations, - ENSTA PARIS-Tech, laboratory - stochastic dynamic optimization - O.I.E, training organization - incubation of innovative collaborative projects The consortium will develop 5 innovative products and services, targeting markets looking for flexible solutions to manage intermittent renewables, and globally the global Smart Grid market estimated at more than 20 billion euros by 2015 . Those are : 1) Services of aggregation of decentralized PV productions in real-time VPPs, 2) Short-term forecast services (D + 1) by valuing the abundance, 3) Very short-term forecast services (H + 6 or H + 1) 4) A small STEP product and its control system 5) Aggregation services based on a stochastic dynamic optimization algorithm
Publication scientifique : 96
Services : 18
Rapport final : 6
Action de communication : 12
Emplois maintenus : 90
Emplois crées : 60
Fin du projet le 20 / 01 / 2025
Domaines d'activité stratégiques
Réseaux électriques intelligents
Développement d’une borne de production et de distribution multi-énergies pour la mobilité.
En 2016, l’énergie éolienne couvrait 10,5% de la demande d’électricité de l’UE, avec 154 GW…
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