The objective of ICARES (Interface for Anodes Conversion: Reliability and Efficiency Studies) is to optimize the lifetime of new high energy batteries, whose negative electrode is based on so-called conversion materials (transition metal pnictogenides). ). The reaction at the electrode / electrolyte interface is at the origin of this limited life time. The goal of ICARES is: i) to identify the electrolyte degradation reactions in Li-ion batteries involving transition metal pnictogenides (PMTs) at the negative electrode (new class of very energetic materials), ii) to understand the evolution of these reactions in cycling and, iii) evaluate their impact on battery performance. To succeed in this project a consortium of specialists in the field of materials, electrodes, electrolytes and surface characterization techniques has been set up. square. The platforms of the ALISTORE Excellence network will be used (XPS, NMR, Mössbauer spectroscopy
Publication scientifique : 76
Emplois crées : 8
Rapport final : 4
Début du projet le 11 / 09 / 2024 | Fin du projet le 11 / 09 / 2024
Domaines d'activité stratégiques
Réseaux électriques intelligents
Développement d’une borne de production et de distribution multi-énergies pour la mobilité.
En 2016, l’énergie éolienne couvrait 10,5% de la demande d’électricité de l’UE, avec 154 GW…
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