The control of the energy demand (M.D.E.) in the field of electrical installations requires, ideally, the identification of the electrical devices used on the network as well as a simultaneous measurement of their consumed power. The objective of this project is to propose a system of measurement of the electrical consumption little intrusive, requiring a single point of measurement at the meter. This system will allow the user to better manage his consumption in order to rationalize and reduce it. The search for relevant information to send back to the consumer to minimize his energy consumption is already the subject of the "Afficheco" project. The latter uses commercially available multiple measurement solutions. The purpose of our project, complementary to "Afficheco", is to remove the technological locks allowing to know the consumption of each apparatus of a habitat from measurements made only at the level of the electric meter. This project focuses on the technical aspect of simplifying the measurement methodology. There is no equivalent system on the market. Such a system provides useful information to reduce the energy bill of the user and its plug & play aspect offers ease of implementation for the user, promoting the deployment of this type of large-scale device.
Rapport final : 1
Suivi de projet - Fin du projet : 5
Nouveau projet : 5
Produit / Prototype : 5
Publication scientifique : 35
Thèse : 5
Emplois crées : 5
Rapport final : 4
Début du projet le 07 / 02 / 2025 | Fin du projet le 07 / 02 / 2025
Domaines d'activité stratégiques
Réseaux électriques intelligents
Développement d’une borne de production et de distribution multi-énergies pour la mobilité.
En 2016, l’énergie éolienne couvrait 10,5% de la demande d’électricité de l’UE, avec 154 GW…
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