The MOBIPAC project aims to develop portable energy sources based on radically innovative solutions, whether in the field of fuel storage (BIC, CEA Liten), the micro battery and its associated electronics (ST, CEA Liten, Plastivaloire) or prototypes produced (UNiROSS). In order to maximize the chances of successful introduction of the technology into the market, usage models and more specifically the criteria for acceptance by the general public will also be the subject of an in-depth analysis (ESCEM). The application prototypes will demonstrate the added value of the micro power source function for consumer electronics applications. They will also validate the market expectation for this new form of energy.
Rapport final : 1
Rapport final : 5
Fin du projet le 17 / 02 / 2025
Domaines d'activité stratégiques
Réseaux électriques intelligents
Développement d’une borne de production et de distribution multi-énergies pour la mobilité.
En 2016, l’énergie éolienne couvrait 10,5% de la demande d’électricité de l’UE, avec 154 GW…
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