In progress

The SWE project relies on a solid collaboration of several complementary structures, and experts in their fields. The attributes of the work will be carried out by Sparklin. However, the project partners entrust 4MOD, the most experienced company in collaborative projects and R&D, to lead the project. The project aims to promote the rapid adoption of a "plug & play" solution in the rapidly growing electric mobility market in France and abroad. Both in terms of research, with the study of barriers and new technological building blocks enabling Sparklin to adapt to a complex environment (communication protocols and modes, variable power levels, etc.), and in terms of development, this project must, through the selection of high-potential solutions, make it possible to make the range of products more reliable and complete, which is necessary for the agreement of technical and commercial partnerships (mobility operators, companies linked to construction, electrical infrastructures, installers, craftsmen, etc.)

Project benefits

Suivi de projet - Fin du projet : 3

People involved in the project

Member partner

Information of the project

Start of the project on02 / 12 / 2024

Strategic business lines

Systèmes électriques pour les mobilités

Referent of the project

Guillaume ANDRES
Chargé de projets innovants

06 43 65 78 56


Pays de la Loire