
Continuation of the USAGE project: The solution developed by iQspot can now reduce the energy consumption of a commercial building by an average of 16% without any work. They now want to go even further, to achieve an average 24% reduction in energy consumption in commercial buildings. This will be achieved by integrating the iQspot solution with a remote energy management tool for commercial buildings, enabling fine-tuning of technical equipment based on actual occupancy and use of the premises. By developing impact prediction and contextualized notification tools to enable all those involved in building operation to act at the right time, based on information specific to the buildings concerned.

There are no benefits for this project at this time

People involved in the project

Project leader

Information of the project

Start of the project on01 / 01 / 2023 | End of project on01 / 01 / 2025

Strategic business lines

Electrical systems for mobility

Referent of the project

Chargée de projets innovants

07 65 17 79 31


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