In progress

This project aims to study and develop effective active materials for the design of new generation photovoltaic cells on flexible substrate. These devices for converting solar energy into electrical energy have the advantage of being inexpensive, compatible with flexible substrates and capable of being manufactured on a large scale. In recent years, new-generation hybrid devices (perovskite devices) have made it possible to compete seriously with their inorganic silicon counterparts with conversion efficiencies of more than 25%. The active materials of these cells will be developed by two laboratories of the University of Tours (PCM2E and GREMAN). This work will be carried out in conjunction with a start-up specialising in the manufacture of reaction intermediates for the preparation of the components of the device (IKAMBA ORGANICS). The challenge of this project is, at the same time: i) develop a technique for growth of inorganic material on flexible substrate; ii) design organic macromolecules with not only electrical (load transport) but also mechanical (stress resistance) properties; iii) adaptive microdevice technology for energy recovery. The main scientific results expected are a mastery of the technique of depositing ZnO nanostructures on flexible substrates as well as the production of semiconductor organic materials (HTMs) that can withstand the mechanical stresses of such a flexible substrate. Eventually, this technology of growth and deposit of materials could allow the manufacture of microcellules integrated on flexible supports of type «credit card».

Project benefits

Publication scientifique : 2

Emplois crées : 6

Action de communication : 3

Publication scientifique : 4

People involved in the project

Project leader

Member partner

No member partner


Information of the project

Start of the project on16 / 02 / 2025

Strategic business lines

Électronique : matériaux, composants et sous-systèmes

Referent of the project

Daniel MELEY
Chargé de projets innovants

07 86 53 38 70

Centre-Val de Loire