The program of feasibility study conducted in 2019 with the financial support of the Region Centre Val de Loire was the study of the feasibility of a transcutaneous energy transmission system, Energy storage and management of an active Class III implantable medical device. It allowed to review the architecture of the product in particular the definition of the boxes, without modifying the essential functions of ICOMS, in order to allow to respect the thermal constraints. It was decided to place one of the most consuming electronic parts (the inverter used to drive the engine and called "smart driver") in the pump inserted in the heart. This part has already been developed in 2020 in collaboration with TRONICO, and a first model is now available for in vitro and in vivo tests. The Fineheart development program until the end of 2021 includes 5 lots: Lot 1: V&V tools, benches and tests Lot 2: HMI and uses Lot 3: External controller Lot 4: Internal controller Lot 5: Smart pump The request for funding from the Centre Region of Val de Loire, within the framework of the ICOMS V3 - FIH ready project, concerns the development of an internal controller (lot 4), consisting of 4 key elements (the other lots being developed by the Pessac establishment): - Implantable portion of Transcutaneous Energy Transmission (TET); an unparalleled critical element on the market to date to eliminate the power cord that is unique to all other LDAs and causes infections - Controller therapy; in a way the ICOMS brain, similar to a pacemaker and controlling the pump with specific algorithms - Implantable battery and BMS; very difficult to achieve in terms of capacity/volume (typically 15 W.h) - The implantable enclosure and its cables and connectors to guarantee thermal performance but also the functions of waterproof encapsulation and electromagnetic shield.
Produit / Prototype : 1
Emplois crées : 2
Project leader
Start of the project on17 / 02 / 2025
Strategic business lines
Électronique : matériaux, composants et sous-systèmes
Referent of the project
07 86 53 38 74
Centre-Val de Loire