In progress

ENERGIO PARTNER V3 (EPV3) is a commercial partner (communities, condominiums, property managers). Following the deployment of EPV2 (control of energy consumption of their assets via a web platform), they now want an independent tool offering services to control their facilities (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) through cross analysis data and contracts governed by the operating companies. Normally guaranteeing savings (especially in the context of contracts including an incentive clause) these companies are judges and parties (they control the analysis and the return of data to the client). With EPV3, the project owner will benefit from an independent analysis and control allowing him to also monitor the performance of the operation (key indicators issued to reduce the energy and operating costs also ). EPV3 is an incremental innovation project for ENERGIO and a breaking innovation in use for its customers. In direct connection with the energy transition, this project is in the perspective of short-term economic benefits.

Project benefits

Suivi de projet - Fin du projet : 1

Suivi de projet - Fin du projet : 1

Rapport final : 1

People involved in the project

Project leader

Information of the project

Start of the project on16 / 09 / 2024

Strategic business lines

Bâtiments et territoires intelligents

Referent of the project

Chargé de projets innovants

07 86 53 38 74


Centre-Val de Loire