
The DANIEAL phase 2 project is a continuation of the DANIEAL APR-IR project, accepted in 2013 by the Center-Val de Loire Region. The general context of the project is that of the development of robotic medical devices to improve access to medical care and assistance. The targeted field of application is that of locoregional anesthesia performed under ultrasound. This project aims to provide anesthesiologists with an expert-robot-environment collaborative platform that significantly improves the practice of locoregional anesthesia. The goal of DANIEAL2 is to study and develop a robotic medical device with intrinsic safety, where the expert is always in the control loop. It is a question of assisting the medical action of needle insertion towards the nerve under ultrasound imaging using the collaboration of a robotic arm. This support platform will be designed to facilitate the delivery of high quality and personalized medical care as well as to improve the training process of anesthesiologists and reduce the risk of trauma associated with locoregional anesthesia. The consortium is made up of the PRISME and LI laboratories, which have recognized expertise in medical robotics, image processing and visual servoing, from ADECHOTECH, a company that has been developing robots for medical purposes for several years and the Médipôle clinic in Toulouse. has a national and international reputation for the practice of locoregional anesthesia guided under ultrasound.

Project benefits

Publication scientifique : 32

Emplois crées : 12

Rapport final : 4

Action de communication : 4

People involved in the project

Project leader

Member partner


No member partner



Information of the project

Start of the project on25 / 01 / 2025 | End of project on25 / 01 / 2025

Strategic business lines

Électronique : matériaux, composants et sous-systèmes

Referent of the project

Daniel MELEY
Chargé de projets innovants

07 86 53 38 70


Centre-Val de Loire