The purpose of the gel in the ultrasound is to ensure proper contact between the probe and the skin. It avoids the layer of air that is harmful to the propagation of ultrasounds. It thus ensures a better transmission of sound waves between the probe and the medium to be imaged. Gel-free ultrasound is of great interest in medical and industrial settings. It allows the development of new applications in the field of ultrasound or an opening of this technique to the security industry by the implementation of ultrasonic biometric sensors. To replace the ultrasound gel, the interface material must be compatible with the specified conditions of use (mechanical properties, acoustic properties- impedance and attenuation- shaping capability on the sensor) while being biocompatible. The PCM2E, member of the GRD LIPs bringing together French researchers around ionic liquids and polymers, works in the field of ionic liquids as well as in the design, formulation, development and characterization of polymer materials. The PCM2E and the company MODULEUS want to work together to develop new interface materials that meet the constraints of MODULEUS in order to move towards intelligent embedded systems.
Emplois crées : 2
Emplois crées : 4
Project leader
Member partner
Start of the project on07 / 02 / 2025
Strategic business lines
Électronique : matériaux, composants et sous-systèmes
Referent of the project
07 86 53 38 70
Centre-Val de Loire