
The increasing use of Implantable Medical Devices (EMDs) for more effective disease management and prevention is directly in line with the next-generation Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) communicating sensors and actuators). Recent advances in miniaturization and communication have benefited the emergence of these networks of communicating embedded sensors for the monitoring of physiological parameters by telemedicine. This technological advance addressing societal and economic issues (high costs of care and monitoring in outpatient medicine), however, suffers from constraints of energy supply. The ambition of the AbrUPT project lies in a desire to respond to this problem by means of a wireless and contactless power transfer solution by emission and energy recovery by ultrasonic means (AET, Acoustic Energy Transfer). The scientific and technological development proposed in AbrUPT offers significant advantages in terms of ergonomics, range and safety compared to other energy transfer methods previously investigated for DMI charging (radiofrequency, inductive coupling, coupling capacitive, ...).

Project benefits

Action de communication : 1

Publication scientifique : 2

Rapport final : 1

Emplois crées : 1

Produit / Prototype : 2

Nouveau projet : 2

People involved in the project

Project leader

Information of the project

Start of the project on03 / 12 / 2024 | End of project on03 / 12 / 2024

Strategic business lines

Électronique : matériaux, composants et sous-systèmes

Referent of the project

Daniel MELEY
Chargé de projets innovants

07 86 53 38 70


Centre-Val de Loire