Energy stored: Electrification Il Hybridation • Architecture studies machines BEV, FCEV, PHEV ,. • Energy balances by analyzing duty cycles • Pack of Li-ion batteries (integration modules) • Iow and high voltage electrotechnical competencies • 12V up to 800V • DC & AC • Transformer, Measurement of insulation, Overload and discharge • Smart management software (Power & Energy) • Normative and regulatory powers • Integration Fuel Cells - Hydrogen Advanced automation: • Advanced robotization and / or automation in open and unstructured environments • Interior / Exterior (puscières, brouillard, • Off-road (windows, sliding, ...) • Significant distances and velocities • Significant energy autonomy • Tested safety • Management and management of normative assets (CEI 61508, ISO 18497, ISO 13849, ISO 25119) • Atelier leader settings for RobAgri • Accelerated operation by model-based design approach o o Systems, models and testing and validation algorithms via our simulation tools • Automated guiding o o Ultrasonic, laser, wire guidance o Contact feelers o GNSS (+ INS) • Geolocalization o o Geolocation and navigation via satellite system (GNSS) o Wire guidance + RFD,. • Perception of the environment - Obstacle detection o In the course of study: Binocular camera, TOF Camera, Ultrasonic LIDAR, radar loM & Connectivity: Internet Of Machine • Pionnier M2M (since 2007) • Local and Wireless connectivity • Modular solutions with or without data hosting


Energy stored: Electrification Il Hybridation • Architecture studies machines BEV, FCEV, PHEV ,. • Energy balances by analyzing duty cycles • Pack of Li-ion batteries (integration modules) • Iow and high voltage electrotechnical competencies • DE 12V à 800V • DC & AC • Transformer, Insulation measurement, Overload and discharge • Smart management software (Power & Energy) • Normative and regulatory powers • Integration Fuel Cells - Hydrogen Advanced automation: • Advanced robotization and / or automation in open and unstructured environments • Interior / Exterior (puscières, brouillard, • Off-road (windows, sliding, ...) • Significant distances and velocities • Significant energy autonomy • Tested safety • Management and management of normative assets (CEI 61508, ISO 18497, ISO 13849, ISO 25119) • Atelier leader settings for RobAgri • Accelerated operation by model-based design approach o o Testing and validation systems, models and algorithms via our simulation tools • Automated guiding o o Ultrasonic, laser, wire guidance o Contact feelers o GNSS (+ INS) • Geolocalization o o Geolocation and navigation via satellite system (GNSS) o Wire guidance + RFD,. • Perception of the environment - Obstacle detection o o In the course of study: Binocular camera, TOF Camera, Ultrasonic LIDAR, radar loM & Connectivity: Internet Of Machine • Pionnier M2M (since 2007) • Local and Wireless connectivity • Modular solutions with or without data hosting

Information of the member

Strategic business lines

Systèmes électriques pour les mobilités

Accession on27 / 07 / 2024


Company422 Employees

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3 Rue Samuel de Champlain