A range of diverse and attractive trainings Languages, arts, human and social sciences, sciences and techniques, technology, health, economics and management, law, students can build at the University of Nantes a study project in all areas of knowledge. Choose to study at the University of Nantes means to move into full training and courses to choose between short or long studies. Mobility programs of study allow students to carry out a semester or an academic year abroad at a partner university. A major research center in Western France Research is a major development axis at the University of Nantes. Innovative, the University disseminates and promotes knowledge and discoveries to society and economic actors. These new skills are developed by more than 3200 researchers working in all structures having been accredited by the national evaluation organisms. Key figures • 1200 researchers including 1000 teachers-researchers • 75 laboratories and research facilities accredited including 25 UMR developed jointly with research institutions (CNRS, Inserm, Inra, Inria) and some local schools (ECN, EMN, ENVN, Enitiaa) • 8 doctoral Schools • 1299 PhD • 247 PhD theses defended in 2009-2010 • More than 30 start-ups created from innovations from laboratories • More than 200 industrial contracts signed each year A university on the world The University of Nantes has implemented a policy of exchange of students, researchers and expertise with many structures in the world in order to: • facilitate the intellectual and scientific relations, • develop research and training • and support their organizations development and their infrastructure. A major axis of its international strategy is to strengthen the presence of the University in Europe and in some major developed or developing countries, by the implementation of a dynamic politic, focused on limited strengh partnerships. Its policy is to increase student mobility at Masters and PhD, to develop international masters and integrate all the research activities in international networks.
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Bâtiments et territoires intelligents
Électronique : matériaux, composants et sous-systèmes
Accession on18 / 01 / 2025
Company3750 Employees
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1 Quai de Tourville
BP 13522