Created in 2004, the Research Institute in Electronics and Electro-techniques of Nantes Atlantic is constituted by 108 members, among whom 51 researchers and teachers-researchers, 48 PhD students and 9 administration staff. The grouping of the strengths of research which took place by creating IREENA is directly linked to scientific interests which allowed, these last years, developing collaborative projects either inside the IREENA or within the framework of the planning contract Government-Region. The 8 IREENA research axes are: • Software distributed architectures • Cognition • Energy • Signal and automatic images • STIC • Decision-making support systems • Production systems • Mechanical and industrial automation systems
Strategic business lines
Smart grids
Bâtiments et territoires intelligents
Systèmes électriques pour les mobilités
Accession on04 / 12 / 2024
Company0 Employees
Contact informations
BP 406
37 boulevard de l'Université