ERDF, 100% subsidiary of EDF, is the manager of electricity public distribution over 95% of the French territory. Its 36,110 employees ensure daily operation, maintenance and development of nearly 1.3 million kilometers of grids. The grid belongs to the licensing authorities (villages or districts), which leave ERDF the management by a public service delegation. ERDF is thus responsible for two major public tasks: • The continuity and quality of service: ERDF guarantees the continuity of public service of electricity. As a result, it operates, maintains and develops the grids. ERDF also makes investments to modernize and secure the grid, particularly face to climate hazards. • The access to the grid without discrimination: in accordance with regulations, ERDF provides the connection and user access to the grid in a transparent, objective and non discriminatory conditions. It also guarantees the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information it uses. ERDF contributes to the functioning of the electricity market by pursuing a dual objective of quality and neutrality: • The quality of electricity supply provided by ERDF is one of the best in Europe. To maintain this level of performance, ERDF maintains and develops the grids. The company also innovates to meet the needs of its customers, electricity producers and suppliers, particularly in terms of information systems and counting. • ERDF contributes to the functioning of competitive electricity market by ensuring non-discriminatory practices to all players. ERDF now wants to put its experience and expertise into service foreign distributors. It created ERDF I, a subsidiary of international services: consulting, audit, technical assistance, studies, training, engineering, etc.. Key figures 1.3 million km of managed grids 34 million customers 36 110 employees 12.1 billion Euros turnover in 2010 11 million operations per year 374 000 new customers connected in 2010

Information of the member

Strategic business lines

Smart grids

Accession on18 / 10 / 2024


Company38000 Employees

Contact informations


45 Avenue Stendhal
BP 436