As the technopole and BIC (Business and Innovation Centre) for the Greater Nantes economic and University area, Atlanpole plays a key role within the main multidisciplinary area of innovation in Western France. Atlanpole is accredited by the French Ministry of Research as the science based business incubator for the whole region Pays de la Loire. As the reference point of contact for two thematic French Tech networks, it fosters the emergence, creation and development of innovative companies, start-up companies and of small and medium sized enterprises. As a member of the French National Innovation Network (Retis), the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN) and the International Association of Technopoles, Science Parks, incubators and areas of innovation (IASP), ATLANPOLE has been awarded ISO 9001 certification.

Information of the member

Accession on27 / 07 / 2024


Company29 Employees

Contact informations


Château de la chantrerie
95 Route de Gachet
BP 90702