Ys Energies Marines Developpement

Ys Energies Marines Developpement builds marine energy projects in partnership with coastal and island stakeholders : local authorities, manufacturers, port services, fishermen, associations, citizens, etc. As a blue-economy company, it harnesses the energy of currents (tidal turbines) and waves (wave energy) to meet the challenges of climate change and dwindling resources. Tidal and wave energy projects offer local energy that is 100% renewable, predictable, discreet and has a very low impact on the environment: a strength for the energy independence and resilience of coastal regions.


Development of tidal and wave energy projects (project engineering, preparation of administrative files, consultation, financing, etc.) / Technology watch with tidal and wave energy manufacturers around the world / Co-construction with all the players involved.

Information of the member

Strategic business lines

Smart grids

Accession on22 / 07 / 2024


Company7 Employees

Contact informations

Ys Energies Marines Developpement

4, Rue René Viviani